Monday, January 8, 2007

The Humble(read it as Confused) Beginning..

Disclaimer:the ideas and thoughts that are presented here are a sole product of my mind and my other body parts should not be held responsible for it...and i know...tht i need profssional help...

Its about time that i realise that the only thing that i would be able to do properly in a b-school (mind it....a b-school that figures in the top 10 in india...and no...its not an IIM) is making good use of the internet services available here...(no....wont name the school..) and i realised this after getting scores of a particular subject(the questions of which were already known to us...) ....and bfore i forget allow me to let u all know that as usual i have scored miserably....the next thing i do...write a blog...n btw i dont wanna fail...coz if i do....i will be thrown outta here....not tht i dont want to...but...'Coz i dont hav the E.Q. nor the I.Q. anymore to go through the process of the Common Admission Test(CAT) here i am....pledging to write about the idiosyncrasies in my life...and the pain-in-the-backside life in a b-school which involves 2 hours of badinton amongst other things...the amazingly bad food at the mess...for which the mess-guy should be paying us...and not the other way round...and not to forget the amazing sex ratio...which stands at 126 males to 23 females....that effectively means....ahem.....well forget tht...lets not get into stats and figures(btw the highlight of my stay at passing in stats...after which i started believing in MIRACLES...)...and after being banned frm the ip mssngr of my school 'coz of some events....which i was involved in but wasnt responsible for...this was the only source i according to me...where i could write all the crap that came into my mind...anyway this is just a sneak peak of the things to come from me...and maybe by the time i write a few gonna always...that...writing blogs's also not worth the pain...the bottomline is....i donno wht m i doin??? :-

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