Monday, January 8, 2007

Two friends and the Waiter Story

three weeks back: this one like the one that i previously posted comes straight from the heart sittin on my favorite seat finally at my place after the gruelling "that week per module" week at the same centre of excellence where i study...and i finally have a week to relax!!!whew...what a relief...but for how long???only till the time i realise that there's no TV cable connection at my place...the relief goes to epl pretty news readers...not ftv...damnn...suddendly i realise that life's gonna suck like hell...amazingly i also started to miss those idiotic conversations that i have continously had over the past few weeks with a friend of mine who works with a certain software firm in a nearby city...and life now had hit a nadir...
two weeks latr: suddendly i realized that for a very long time now i have been whining a lot(and why do i always hav sudden realiztions???well lets not get into that..)...actually this vacation has been one of the major "all-time lows" of my havnt flunked nor has my girlfriend dumped me(ohh..btw..i dont hav one and tht also kinda sucks...bigtime)but it seems pretty clear tht this season's gonna go in the record books as the most boring 15 days of my life....i mean friends to hang out with...a new year's eve where i did nothing at all...sat at home and did nothing!!!!and yes not to forget...the incident(which m gonna talk about in excrutiating detail which will be even more boring for u guys...)anyway...since you have made the mistake of reading this blog to this point just read on i wrote on 5th of jan 2007) i went out with a good friend of mine from school for lunch...and i think i dont even need to mention that the food kinda sucked but then had a good time overall atleast till the time i got...well...leave on(why??u'll knw as u read further...god!!!hav sme patience!!) this place where i went friend got hit on by waiters and managers of that restaurant...can u believe tht???the waiters never left us unattended and not to mention they kept on insiting my friend to eat different stuff they had on offer...and i think u must hav already taken it for granted...but then..just for the record...i was ignored by them...big time...but heyy...not a problem and it wasnt just one waiter or one was like the whole bunch of them...gone crazy after my friend(but i must agree she looks stunningly beautiful(all othr people...othr than my friend whom i m referring it as pretty good) at times...but tht day wudnt qualify as "at times")they even asked her to fill some stupid feedback book(which they never normally do...and btw i have eaten at that place tons of times to know tht)which she very politely refused to(not to mention she wanted to be good to those not-very-job-oriented scumb-bags who were waiting on us..err..her...i wasnt attended..)even then they kept pushing for it and specifically gave it to her...but i had a good time poking fun at her...she gathered attention...allrite...but...hehehe...frm them...yes...was having fun for the first time this vacation...these are all the people whom she could get attention frm...heheehe...all laughing and having fun...and then..and then like always..the universe always found a way to retaliate...and she said..."Atleast sme people hav good asthetic sense...u dont..." and hit another low point...compared to waiters(hey i dont hav anything against them generally...just that bunch at that place)and lost..big these times i would normally say,"ohh cmeon...gimme a break"...but no....wont get always!!!!mann...and this all 'coz i didnt pay enough attention to her new hair-do...wait does this mean she liked that attention she received from them...hehehehe...that's even more funny though...but..
moral of the story: girls need attention and god made u 'coz u can give them what they want...whether it be attention or...ahem...anything else...just PAY ATTENTION!!cant believe tht u r still reading
p.s. Allrite Urja....u can kill me now...

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