Monday, April 2, 2007

The Great MBA Switch..

Its been quite sometime since I last posted and I couldnt had found a better time to post...considering the fact that my module exams have started...the expression on my face says that I am dying of the "enormous work-load" and dont even have a minute to spare...but here I am doing something that I shouldnt be...
They say..its "Typical MBA" in the making! And I am gonna take it as a compliment...<again typical MBA>
But what has amazed me the most in the last 10 months of my life in a b-school is that ability to "switch" between dont get me wrong on states...I am referring to...err...its a little hard to explain...just read on..if you are "MBA" will understand..
For instance, we had a party last weekend <another advantage of being in a B-school is that you have enough numbers of parties>...some resort to that cliched reason for partying...
We work hard and party harder...
Just that the concept of hardwork has become obsolete in my case...but then again this one is not about that..its about that ability to "Switch"
So that day when we had the party...we swayed...err...I mean people swayed to the music and I did some clumsy hand and leg contractions and extensions which some people refer to as some sorta "karmic yoga" <so what if I have not two but four left-feet???!!!...I believe in one philosophy...can walk...will dance..or karmic yoga or whatever>... And this continued for about four hours <the usual> !!!
Normal human beings...which we, "MBAs-in-the-making" refer to as mere-mortals would had felt tired...but not us...because hey...we know what...So after this four hour long people dancing and me trying to dance...we gathered at the "ataria"..<Now mere mortals...take note of this...we have the habit of calling places in our school with some weird names..and ataria is one such place> where all these high<on booze> people with equally high I.Q.s sit and so what we do the best...discuss..plan...strategize and leave it to others to implement..After four hours of partying, one hour on dicussing on....<scratching my head> <I dont even remember what we discussed about>..we decided on completing the ERP assignment which was supposed to be submitted at 0800 hours that morning...btw did I forget to mention that the time then was 0300 in the morning..So after all this we sat for two and a half more hours and completed the assignment...which hopefully is gonna save me from flunking in the exam...
Seriously speaking I surprised myself that day...for "switching" between different states so easily and effectively..I think that is what you really learn in a place like this...I mean some might argue that the learning and acads are the most important...blah..blah..but wait...I disagree..
Its the "Switch", the <into sarcastic inverted commas>"Karmic Yoga", "Bakar" at the "Ataria", the Nite-mess, that butter-parantha, the pathetic coffee, the "Gyaan"...which we...atleast I enjoy here...somehow I have started to realise that I have started liking most things here...even my pathetic which I am doin no good by writing this blog..
But then again...that is the life here...that is the "joie-de-vivre"
p.s. Hope french teacher reads the last line..

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